TwitterQueens on BlogTalkRadio

Mike wrote this nice post about our "interview" with the TwitterQueens yesterday on Social Media Edge. 

Via Mike Mueller (Tech and Social Media Consultant):

In case you missed it we had “The TwitterQueens” on the radio yesterday.

If you missed the show – they were great!

You are not completely out of luck though.  You can listen to the archives.  Just go to the Facebook Page, become a Fan, and click on the Archive Tab.


Social Meia Edge on BTR



This post brought to you courtesy of Mike Mueller.
Feel free to ReBlog or ReTweet as you like as long as you
credit the source (him).
Did you know?  He's for hire! He builds
Blogs, Graphic Images and Widgets and Facebook Pages and besides… He knows lots of really cool stuff.

Hire Mike (925) 456-4567


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