Fill in the Blank Meme

Inna Hardison tagged me for this latest evil round of memes.  This one seemed a bit easier, so why not?  Plus, she either challenged my brilliance or alluded to me as brilliant, although I'm not sure which one.  Either way, I'm game.

I am - Jason Crouch.  You wanted more on this one?

I think - too much.
I can - reach over eight feet high with my arms extended.
I want - to be a good husband and father.  The rest falls into place.

I have - three children (so far).
I wish - for three more wishes, please.

I hate - ineptitude.
I miss - my grandfather.
I fear - enclosed spaces.
I feel - happy and content most of the time.
I hear - that there is a Presidential election occurring soon?
I smell - Sorry about that.  Guess I should shower soon.
I search- for any facts I don't know, typically with Google.

I regret - when I hurt those that I love.
I love - God and my family.
I care - about others, for the most part.  Unless you are a jerk, then it's harder for me to care as much.

I always - wanted to be able to fix things.  My wife is the handy one around our house.

I am not - short.
I believe - in God.
I dance - pretty well, actually.  I met my wife on the dance floor of a local nightclub in Austin.
I sing - when I am alone, or with my wife and/or kids.  NOT publicly.
I don't always - floss.
I write - a lot.

I win - often.

I lose - often.  That is life.
I never - liked memes all that much.
I listen - well, unless you are boring me to tears.
I can usually be found - with a book or computer, or with my family, or all of the above.

I'm scared of - clowns.  Just kidding.  I thought it was funny.  What?
I read - voraciously.  I actually learned to read when I was two years old.

I forget - specific conversations that I had 10 years ago.  My wife does not.

I just - wrote, "specific conversations..."  you know, the line above.
I am happy about - the blessings that I have been given.

I refuse - to tag anyone, but if you want to write one of these yourself, consider yourself tagged!

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