Jesse Reeves
(512) 585-9397

Jesse Reeves Biography

Jesse Reeves is a songwriter, a musician, and a church planter... and a Realtor.

As a songwriter, he has co-written several songs that are sung in the church around the world today including “How Great is Our God,” “Our God,” “I Will Rise,” “Indescribable,” “Lord, I Need You,” “I Speak Jesus,” and more.

As a musician, Jesse spent 17 years leading worship, touring and playing bass guitar in the Chris Tomlin Band.

As a church planter, Jesse and his wife, Janet, have been a part of planting The Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, Texas, Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and currently serve as pastors for KingsPorch back home in Austin.

What does this background have to do with real estate? One word... people! Over the years, Jesse has helped numerous family, friends, and friends of friends find the perfect house to call home. He’d love to help you too!

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