My Son Finished Marathon Kids Today! (Video included)

I wrote about Marathon Kids last year, which is a cool fitness program wherein kids commit to finish an entire marathon over a few months' time. In our case, until the beginning of the month, we thought we had more time to complete this task. I could have sworn that the final ceremony was going to be in April, but I was wrong, so we did the vast majority of the mileage over the past 3 weeks and finished last night.

Last year, my wife did more of the running with him, but she is currently 33 weeks pregnant, so that wouldn't work as well this time around. Thankfully, I am happy to report that I lost a few pounds as a result.

Today's medal ceremony was a lot of fun for both of us, despite the chill in the air and the somewhat strong wind. It was sunny and the atmosphere was charged and exciting. They really do a great job of making the kids feel like rock stars.

We arrived about 15 minutes early, which concerned me a little bit, since last year's traffic was hideous. This time, I hit zero traffic and we parked and walked right in. Score!

I got a few brief videos with my new Creative Vado camera (similar to the Flip, which was broken recently by our beloved toddler daughter). Brandon had to squint a few times from the sun. Enjoy:

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