Active Rain Friendships - Letters Across Time

Please bear with me as the point of this post will take some time to develop, but I think you will appreciate it.


I recently watched a movie on cable with my wife called "The Lake House" with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.  I didn't honestly expect to like it very much, although I love Sandra Bullock in most of her movies (she is an Austinite, so I guess I have to say that, but it's true in her case).  I loved Keanu Reeves in the "Bill and Ted" movies, "Parenthood", and "The Matrix", but frankly his stuff has been a bit more inconsistent in my opinion other than those aforementioned. 

While we were watching this movie, my wife made the comment that Keanu Reeves' character must not live until the end, simply because the title of the movie was simply too sad.  I kind of agreed with her, but I won't divulge the ending, just in case you have the urge to rent it from Netflix or Blockbuster, or wherever you get movies. 

Overall, I would give the movie a B+ or possibly an A-.  Keanu is remarkably good in his role, and Sandra puts in a very solid performance.  Their chemistry is great, even though they don't share a lot of time on the screen together.  Why is that?  Because the film's premise doesn't allow for it. 

The basic premise is this: Sandra Bullock is a single doctor living at a lake house in 2006, and Keanu is an architect working on the house in 2004.  They discover their ability to communicate across time by using the lake house's mail box, and they fall for each other and start to arrange a meeting in 2006.  Quirky and entertaining.

While we were watching it, my wife made the suggestion that they should have called it "Letters Across Time" if it were a simple romantic movie, since it seems so much less poignant.  I was thinking about the friendships that I have developed here at Active Rain, and it struck me that what we are doing here is remarkably similar.

When I write and post this blog, I will likely go to bed soon thereafter.  When I wake up, there will probably be a few comments awaiting me.  These comments are like the letters written between those characters in the film.  Time passes.  Someone may make a comment that sits unanswered for hours, then I am able to respond when I have time to do so.  In this way, these comments are "travelling through time" to some degree. 

Although I have spoken with some of my AR friends, there are many that I feel a kinship with that I have never once spoken to.  Unlike IMs or live chat, our comments to each other may be made days apart, but that doesn't lessen their impact. 

I enjoy receiving these letters across time (or notes, really).  It is amazing to see the effect of our words.  What a cool phenomenon.

Thanks for taking time to read this one.  I appreciate it.

Copyright 2007   Austin Real Estate     Jason Crouch   All rights reserved

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