Are you supporting "Movember"? Check it out!

Last Sunday, my good friend Ben Finklea was here enjoying an afternoon of NFL football, when he suddenly asked me if I had heard about "Movember". 

Nope.  Not until that moment.

It turns out that Movember is an initiative to raise money for prostate and testicular cancer research.  It involves not shaving for an entire month in an effort to grow a mustache/goatee/chin beard, etc.  I have seen a lot of people talking about it this week. 

I am not participating myself as a "grower", for a couple of reasons:

  1. I am not very good at growing facial hair, and I don't want to scare anyone.  My talent is growing a nice thick neck beard.  Gross.
  2. My wife hates me with facial hair.  Enough said.

However, I did take some time to donate $20 to each of the two friends who asked, since it's a good cause and they are embarrassing themselves publicly, and who doesn't enjoy that?

Incidentally, I am either too old (or young) to have ever heard a mustache referred to as a "mo" before now.  But I digress...

If you would like to donate, check out Ben's page right here:

I promised Ben that I would help to spread the word, so stop by at the link above and donate ANY amount to the cause.  Even a single dollar will help. 

Thanks for reading!

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